Fógraí / Newsletter September 22nd 2024

 Dingle Parish

Fr Michael Moynihan PP

Tel (066) 9151208/087-6551902

September 22nd, 2024



Twenty Fifth Sunday

in Ordinary Time

Pray for: Kathleen O’Shea (née Harvey), Baile Móir and late of Killargue, Co. Leitrim. Patricia Doyle, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh and late of UK; Anthony O’Sullivan, Birmingham and Minard East: Eileen Tobin (née Griffin), Ballinascarthy, Co. Cork and late of Lios Deargáin. Suaimhneas síoraí dá n-anamacha.

St Mary’s Church, Dingle.

Sat 21ú 6.15pm 1. Enda Kennedy, The Grove, Mary and Patrick O’Sullivan Kinard West. 2. Tadhg and Bridie Kennedy, Mary and Timmy O’Sullivan, Kathleen Lynch, Michael Donovan and deceased members of the Kennedy Family, Reenbee. 4. Kevin Kennedy, Cill Mhic a’ Domhnaigh.

5. Hannah and John Quinn, The Wood.

Sun 22ú 11.30am Bebe and Jim Lynch, Cluais.

Monday 23ú 10.00am Sa Díseart.

Tues 24ú 10.00am Aifreann Pobascoil Corca Dhuibhne.

Wed 25ú 10.00am Private Intention.

Thurs 26ú 10.00am Paróisteánaigh.

Fri 27ú 6.15pm Maé Brosnan, Ballybowler.

Sat 28ú 6.15pm 1. Geraldine Kennedy (née Hennessy), Garfinny MM. 2. Patsy O’Sullivan, The Mall, MM. 3. Bridget and John Walsh, Baile na nÁth, their children John, Liam, Tom, Maureen, Cáit and Maurice and their grandchildren Máire Bheag, Áine and Brendan. 4. Angela McCarthy, Milltown. 5. Michael Galvin, Léim ar Léith and deceased members of the Galvin Family.

Confessions: Friday after the 6.15pm Mass.

Sun 29ú 11.30am Caitlín and Billy Ó Cathasaigh, Boherbrack and Mickey and Noreen Casey, Nebraska.

Rotas: Next Week: St Mary’s: Euch.

Mins: 6.15pm Tracey Sheehy, Micheál Ó Conchúir and Maura Flahive. 11:30am James Devane and Ann O’Connor. Readers: 6.15pm: Breandán Fitzgerald. 11.30am: Muintir Uí Chathasaigh. Cleaners Team 2.

Naomh Eoin Baiste, Lios Póil

Sun 22ú 10.00am Thomas Evans, Minard East, 1ú CB and Mary Egan (Née Curran), Cork and Minard East.

Naomh Caitlín, Fionn Trá

Sat 28ú 7.30in Maidhc Ó Dubháin, Cathair an Treantaigh, MM.

Rota: Next Week: Min Eoc: Siobhán Uí Shé. Léitheoir: Máirín Uí Shé.

Thought for the day: Jeremiah, who knew a thing or two about the human condition, wrote: The heart is devious above all else; it is perverse, who can understand it? (Jer 17:9) A healthy introspection is essential, if we are to become free from inherited drives and free for service. Prayer: Lord Jesus, let me know myself and know you, and desire nothing except you alone. Let me hate myself and love you. Let me do everything for your sake. Let me humble myself and exalt you. Let me think of nothing except you. Let me die to myself and live in you. Let me accept whatever happens as from you. Let me banish self and follow you, and ever desire to follow you.

Pope Francis on X: When we make space for the Lord, we are able to open ourselves to all of Creation and to every creature. We then understand that life is a gift from the Father, who loves us deeply and desires that we belong to Him and to one another.

Songs of Praise with Michael Fitzgerald and others continues in St Mary’s Church, on Monday, 6.00 – 7.00pm. All welcome.

Priest on duty this Sunday:

Fr Eoghan Ó Cadhla 087-6951318.

Dues Envelopes: As the Autumn Dues and November Offering Envelopes 2024 are being distributed to households, Fr Michael would like to thank you for your support and generosity. Donations from these two envelopes support your priest’s income. We appreciate you returning these envelopes at your earliest convenience. They can be placed in the Building Fund boxes at the back of the 3 Parish Churches or placed in the offertory baskets. If paying by cheque, please make it payable to Tigh an tSagairt. If you haven’t received your envelopes yet, you might contact the person that normally delivers them. Spare envelopes are available at the back of the parish churches. Buíochas ó chroí for your continued support.

If anyone would like to be included in our envelope scheme for 2025, please contact the Parish Office on 066-9151208 or email dingle@dioceseofkerry.ie

First Communion: Parents of children, who will be receiving their First Communion, are invited to attend an information evening in St Mary’s Church on Wednesday next, September 25th at 7.30pm. Enrolment masses are as follows: Saturday, Oct 19th at 6.15pm St Mary’s Church, Dingle for Bunscoil an Chlochair, Scoil Iognáid Rís and Scoil an Ghleanna agus Scoil Cheann Trá. Saturday, Oct 19th at 7.30pm Sacred Heart Church, Annascaul for Scoil Bhreac Chluain. Sunday, Oct 20th at 10.00am Séipéal Naomh Eoin Baiste, Lios Póil for Bunscoil Naomh Eoin Baiste.

Coffee Morning for Hospice continues this Sunday, September 22nd 10.30am-2.00pm in O’Sullivan’s Bar, Garrynadur; Thursday, September 26th 11.00am-2.00pm in Kathleen McAuliffe Gift Shop and the Base, Bridge St. All welcome.

Office at the Presbytery, Dingle. Office Hours: Tuesday: 9.30am-12.30pm.

Wednesday: 9.30am-12.30pm.

Thursday: 9.30am-12.30pm.

Parish Office: Tel.:066 9151208.

A range of new religious books are available in the bookstand of St Mary’s Church.

Booking Masses: The 2025 Diary is now available to book Masses for First Anniversaries only at the moment.Please ring the office as follows only, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9.30am-12.30pm.

Donate terminals, located at the back of St Mary’s Church, are programmed to donate €5 to the Parish each time they are used.

Offertory Collection:  €1,789.00. Míle buíochas.

Our Lady and St. Brendan’s Parish, Tralee are hosting a Season of Creation event on Sept 28th from 10.15am to 1.00pm for those beginning a project to return to biodiversity and in Killorglin Parish, on Sept 28th from 10.30am for those who would like to visit and learn about the project which they have developed over the past number of years. Breis eolais www.dioceseofkerry.ie.

Reflection – Faith and works

A fruit tree may be teeming with blossoms, but if it doesn’t produce fruit it is barren.

A lamp may be studded with diamonds, but if it doesn’t give light it is worthless.

And a faith that doesn’t result in good works is dead. The fruit of prayer is faith.

The fruit of faith is love.

The fruit of love is service.

And the fruit of service is peace.

For Scór na nÓg (u17) applications contact your local GAA Scór & Cultural Officer for  or westkerryscor@gmail.com. Closing date for applications by 5pm on September 27th.

Gluten Free hosts are available from the priest at communion time.

Adult Education Tutors required for Pobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne. Déan teagmháil ar 087-7951743 nó sf@pcd07.ie

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