Corpus Christi Procession

Parishioners are reminded to pay honour to the Blessed Sacrament and ask the blessing of God on our town and our parish taking part in tomorrow’s Corpus Christi procession.  There are pictures of the 2007 procession here.  This year we’re concluding the procession at St Elizabeth’s Hospital, marking the end of an era as our community hospital prepares to move to its new building.

At the 2005 Corpus Christi Procession in Rome, Pope Benedict said:

We bring Christ, present under the sign of bread, onto the streets of our city. We entrust these streets, these homes, our daily life, to his goodness. May our streets be streets of Jesus! May our houses be homes for him and with him! May our life of every day be penetrated by his presence.

With this gesture, let us place under his eyes the sufferings of the sick, the solitude of young people and the elderly, temptations, fears – our entire life. The procession represents an immense and public blessing for our city: Christ is, in person, the divine Blessing for the world. May the ray of his blessing extend to us all!

That is our prayer for our parish as well.  We ask the Lord to deepen our faith in His presence and to give us the strength to follow him more closely.


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