Extraordinary Ministers of The Eucharist
We warmly encourage you to nominate neighbours, friends or family members, both male and female, whom you deem worthy of serving Our Lord and our community in this vital and life giving ministry.
We ask the Holy Spirit to inspire you as you encourage and help to expand this ministry in our parish. As we shall approach all those nominated by you in advance of our proposed training course, we ask you to prayerfully consider this important service. Please return your recommendations having signed the form below before St. Brendan’s Day May 16th.
Please detach and return to Tigh na Sagart or to the church before May 16th.
I wish to nominate the following for service as Ministers of the Eucharist in our Parish.
Name: Ms. _________________________________ Address: ___________________________________
Name: Mr. __________________________________ Address: ___________________________________
Signed: ____________________________________ Contact No.: ______________ Date: ____________