Lord, lead us onwards,
in discovering your dream for us;
Lead us outwards, in love and solidarity,
Cherishing each other and every other;
Lead us inwards, deeper into the mystery
of what you have created us to be.
Without hope there is no tomorrow and, without it, today begins to crumble. We all need some help in our lives. Many of us have been pushed beyond our limits at times. But somewhere from within, we do our best to keep going. In our Gospels, Jesus constantly inspired people and gave each of them renewed hope and life. Seemingly impossible situations were completely turned around. We can never say that we have enough hope. We pray for renewed hope and life, whatever our own situation may be. We pray especially for any person or family whom we know is going through a difficult time. We pray for hope in their lives.
St. Mary’s Church
Sat 5ú 8.00pm 1.Aloysious Kavanagh.
2.Jack and Nora O’ Sullivan and deceased members of the O’ Sullivan Family, Baile Ghóilín.
3.Paud Ashe, Ballymore.
4.Patrick O’ Connor, Carhunapuka.
5.Maureen McDonnell (nee O’ Connor), New York and late of Ballyhea. MM.
6.Paud O’ Shea, Baile Breac.
Sun 6ú 11.30am Deceased members of the Lynch family, Kilfountain.
Mon 7ú 10.00am An Díseart
Tue 8ú 10.00am Cathy Ryan, Dublin.
Céad 9ú 7.30pm Kitty and John Paul McDonnell, Lough.
Thur 10ú 10.00am 1.Bridie, Tadhg, Mary and Katty Kennedy, Reenbee.
2.Micko, Nora and Sanie O’Sullivan, Reenbee, Lispole.
Friday 11ú 7.30pm Intinn príobháideach.
Sat 12ú 8.00pm 1.Kitty Murphy, Ardamore and San Francisco.
2.Peter and Breda Hand, Kinard.
3.Deceased members of the Griffin family Monaree.
4.Ignatius Moriarty, Doonsheane.
5.John and Joan McCarthy, Annascaul.
6.Bridie, Mike and Kevin Griffin, Gurrane.
7.Paudie and Annie Curran, Green St.
Sun 13ú 11.30am Dingle Races Committee Members.
Naomh Caitlín, Fionn Trá
Sath 5ú 6.15i.n. Harry Ó Lúing agus Katherine Ní Lúing.
Sath 12ú 6.15i.n. Denis Devane, Tralee and Baile Trasna.
Naomh Eoin Baiste, Lios Póil
Sun 6ú 10.00am 1.Kathleen Flahive, Goulin. 1ú CB.
2.Bob and Bridie Ashe, Minard East.
Sun 13ú 10.00am 1.Dan O’Sullivan, Lisdorgan.
2.David Reid, Dublin.
St. Mary’s Confessions: Sat. 10.30am – 11.00am & after Vigil Masses.
St Mary’s: Tues 10.30am – 10pm; Wed 5.30 – 7.30pm. First Friday: 10.30 – 11.30am.
Naomh Eoin Baiste: Thursday 11 am – 12 noon.
An tSeachtaine seo chugainn: 12ú/13ú Lúnasa
DINGLE: Euch. Ministers’ 1: Vigil Theresa Ashe, Blandina O’Connor, Marion O’Sullivan, Máire Nic a tSíthigh, Ann O’ Connor. 11:30am Sr de Sales, Patricia Williams, Bridie Fitzgearld, Madge Fitzgearld. Collectors’ Team 1; Church Cleaners’ Team 1. Readers: 8.00pm Bernie Bowler. 11.30am Liz Higgins.LIOS PÓIL: Ministéirí Eoc.: Máire Uí Shé agus Treasa Uí Chearbhaill. Léitheoir:.Donnacha Ó Súilleabháin. FIONN TRÁ: Ministéirí Eoc.: Siobhán Uí Shé. Léitheoir: Dónal Ó Ciobháin..
Ráiteas Misean an Pharóiste
Seo dréacht den ráiteas atá i gceist a bheith againn amach anseo. Tríd an ráiteas déantar iarracht ar bhféiniúlacht a ainmniú agus ár misean a chur in iúl. Dá mba mhaith leat aon athrú a dhéanamh cuir i scríbhinn é go Tigh an tSagairt roimh an 11ú Lúnasa.
An Ráiteas
‘Is Pobal Caitliceach sinn a chuireann fáilte roimh chách ag cothú measa agus dínit an uile dhuine. Le h-ionspioráid an tSoiscéil, tré adhradh Dé agus seirbhís inár bparóiste cuirimid romhainn bheith mar fhinnéithe dár gcreideamh le croí na trocáire agus an ghrá.’
Baptisms: We welcome Mia Brosnan, Lispole, Esme Mary O’Sullivan, Dingle, Jude Patrick Hawes, Belfast, Fionn Sheehan, Cork who were baptised recently into the Catholic Church.
Pilgrimage to Medjugorje: There are a few seats left on the flight from Shannon airport on 13th – 20th September. Further information contact Hannah Mae Browne 087 8560040.
Meal for visiting Clergy on holidays: As is usual, the Bishop would like to invite priests who are home for vacation to gather for a formal meal on Wednesday, Aug 9th at 6.30p.m at the Parish Centre, the Church of the Resurrection, Park rd, Killarney.
Al-non meeting every Saturday @ 8.30pm in Ré Nua, Goat Street, Dingle.
Japa Meditation Inroductory Class, Wed 16th Aug, 7-9pm at Ré Nua, Goat St. Cost €10. Contact Mary 0860514589.
Bailiúcháin Éadaí ar mhaithe le Cumann Caide Ban Chorca Dhuibhne 19ú Lúnasa. Glacfar le málaí i nGallarus Luan go Aoine 9-12rn agus I Halla LiosPóil Dé Máirt 8ú/15ú agus Dé hAoine 11ú/18ú óna 6-7.30in.
Parents and Relatives of St Mary of the angels Beaufort wish to thank all who supported their very successful cake sale and raffle. Thank you to those who made and bought cakes, bought raffle tickets, gave donations and raffle prizes, those who gave their time to help on the day, to the committee of Gairdín Mhuire and West Kerry Live. Míle Buíochas.
Offertory Collection
Weekly Envelopes: €1006; Cash: €1495. Total: €2501.
Collection for the Sick and Retired Priests amount received to date: €8,064. Míle buíochas. There will be a second collection next weekend 12th/13th August in aid of Pastoral & Retreat Centres.