Fógraí / Newsletter July 14th 2024

 Dingle Parish

Fr Michael Moynihan PP

Tel (066) 9151208/087-6551902

July 14th, 2024



Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Pray for Kevin Devane, Lisdorgan. Patricia O’Sullivan (née Curran), The Mall. Suaimhneas síoraí dá n-anamacha.

St Mary’s Church, Dingle.

Sat 13ú 6.15pm 1. Mai Kennedy, Marian Park.

Sun 14ú 11.30am Michael and Maureen Griffin, Kilfountain and deceased members of the Griffin and Courtney Families.

Monday 15ú 10.00am Sa Díseart.

Tues 16ú 10.00am No Mass

Wed 17ú 10.00am Private Intention.

Thurs 18ú 10.00am Paróisteánaigh.

Fri 19ú 6.15pm Seamus Kennedy, Baile Dháth.

Sat 20ú 6.15pm 1. Joan Wright (née Brosnan), Cnoc a’ Chairn 1ú CB. 2. John Browne, Ladies Cross, Milltown and Theresa Kelliher, Jinks, England.

Sun 21ú 11.30am Pat Hennessy, Cnoc na hAbha.

Confessions: Friday after the 6.15pm Mass.

Rotas: Next Week: St Mary’s: Euch.

Mins: 6.15pm Blandina O’Connor, Marie Moriarty and Elaine O’Connor. 11:30am Kitty O’Flaherty and Anne Begley. Readers: 6.15pm: Noel O’Neill. 11.30am: Maurice O’Connor. Cleaners Team 4.

Naomh Eoin Baiste, Lios Póil

Sun. 14ú 10.00am 1. Mary Moriarty, Deerpark, 1ú CB. 2. Tom Griffin, Doonties.

Naomh Caitlín, Fionn Trá

Sat 20ú 7.30in Intinn Príobháideach.

Rota: Next Week: Min Eoc: Máirín Uí Shé. Léitheoir: Pádraig Firtéar.

Thought for the day: The handing on of the faith, evangelisation to use a technical term, is the task of everyone in the church today: family members, catechists, pastoral workers, the ordained. It is our great challenge and the one thing necessary. And yet, who dares today to take up such a role? Our Gospel portrays key dimensions: the sense of being sent or called, the choice of life-style based on that of Jesus, the confidence to face not being made welcome and yet to continue for the sake of the joy of the Gospel. Prayer: God of the Good News, you spoke your word and disclosed your heart in Jesus of Nazareth. Help us who are called to take to heart the word of truth, the Gospel of salvation. May we know the action of the Spirit, and so inspired may we inspire others as well.

Pope Francis on X: Let us renew our commitment to pray and work for peace, especially in martyred Ukraine, Palestine and Israel, Sudan, Myanmar, and every place where people suffer from war.

Pope’s Intention for July: For the Pastoral Care of The Sick. We pray that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick confer on those who receive it and their loved ones the power of the Lord and become ever more a visible sign of compassion and hope for all.

Sick and Retired Priests’ Collection received to date: €2,019.00. Míle buíochas.

Blood Donor Clinic will take place in Pobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne, Tuesday, July 16th 3.50 – 8.00pm.  Breis eolais 1800 731 137 or giveblood.ie

Donate terminals, located at the back of St Mary’s Church, are programmed to donate €5 to the Parish each time they are used.

€€Online giving€€. You can now make a donation to the Parish online by clicking on the Donate button on our Parish website.

Gluten Free hosts are available from the priest at communion time.

Priest on duty this Sunday:

Fr Eamon Mulvihill 066-7139145.

The second Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Saturday 24th August 2024. A bus is being organised from the Corca Dhuibhne Pastoral Area, (numbers dependent). If you are interested in travelling, contact Cathy on 086-0520915. The bus will depart Dingle at approx. 6.30am. Cost will depend on numbers travelling.

Cemetery Masses will be celebrated as follows: Dé Máirt 16ú Iúil 7.30pm – Reilig Cheann Trá. If any person would like to do a reading or prayer of the faithful, please contact the parish office.

Offertory Collection: €2,093.00.

Paidir Ag Dul Thar Reilig: Beannaím daoibh, a fhíréana Chríost, atá anseo ag feitheamh le haiséirí glórmhar. An Té a d’fhulaing Páis ar bhur son, go dtuga sé suaimhneas síoraí daoibh.  (Ár bPaidreacha Dúchais).

The Annual Pioneer Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Sunday 21st July. Mass at 3pm will be followed by Eucharistic Blessing and Procession to the Shrine.

Pioneers, along with friends and relations of people who are living “one day at a time” with addiction, are welcome.

Prayer to Discover Your Vocation

God our Father, send workers into your harvest. May the Spirit we received in baptism touch the hearts of many to offer themselves in priesthood, religious life and other forms of service. Give the parents and families of our diocese the wisdom and courage to support young people in searching for and following the call of God in their lives, Amen.

Church Gate collection for Kerry Hospice Foundation will take place at all masses in Chorca Dhuibhne this weekend, July 13th/14th.

Parish Office at the Presbytery, Dingle. Office Hours: Tuesday: 9.30am-12.30pm.

Wednesday: 9.30am-12.30pm.

Thursday: 9.30am-12.30pm.

Parish Office: Tel.:066 9151208.

A range of new religious books are available in the bookstand of St Mary’s Church.

Ecumenical Graveyard Service in St James Church, Main St on Thursday July 25th, Feast of St James, at 7.30pm to remember and honour all those who have been buried in the grounds through the ages.

Gach Rath ar fhoireann Chiarraí a bheidh ag imirt in aghaidh Ard Mhacha i gCluiche Leathcheannais Peile na hÉireann, an Satharn seo, go háirithe, Paul Geaney, Tom O’Sullivan, Brian Ó Beaglaoich agus Dylan Geaney. Go n-éirí go geal leo.

Stay with me, Lord – Prayer of St Pio of Pietrelcina after Holy Communion

Stay with me, Lord, for it is necessary to have you present so that I do not forget You.
You know how easily I abandon You.

Stay with me, Lord, because I am weak
and I need Your strength,
that I may not fall so often.

Stay with me, Lord, for You are my life,
and without You, I am without fervor.

Stay with me, Lord, for You are my light,
and without You, I am in darkness.

Stay with me, Lord, to show me Your will.

Stay with me, Lord, so that I hear Your voice and follow You.

Stay with me, Lord, for I desire to love You
very much, and always be in Your company.

Stay with me, Lord, if You wish me to be faithful to You.

Stay with me, Lord, for as poor as my soul is, I want it to be a place of consolation for You, a nest of love.

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