Fógraí / Newsletter June 9th 2024

 Dingle Parish

Fr Michael Moynihan PP

Tel (066) 9151208/087-6551902

June 9th, 2024



Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Pray for: Mary Kelly O’Callaghan, The Grove and late of Ballaugh, Killarney. Eddie Hannafin, Baile Beag. Captain James Falconer Milhench, The Mall and late of Bangor, Co. Down. Suaimhneas síoraí dá n-anamacha.

St Mary’s Church, Dingle.

Sat 8ú 6.15pm 1. John Foley, The Grove MM. 2. Margaret and Jackie Griffin, Mullenagleemig and An Dóirín. 3. Bridget and Edward Kavanagh, Cillirith.

Sun 9ú 11.30am Deceased members of the McDonnell Family, Emilough, Baile na nGall and Jim and Maureen O’Connor, The Grove.

Monday 10ú 10.00am Sa Díseart.

11.00am Aifreann Sochraide Eddie Hanafin, Baile Beag.

Tues 11ú 10.00am John Martin and Bridie Coggins, their son Martin and their daughter Maureen, USA.

Wed 12ú 10.00am Paddy and Julia Flahive, Ballinasare and deceased members of the Flahive and Kelliher Families.

Thurs 13ú 10.00am Paróisteánaigh.

Fri 14ú 6.15pm Private Intention

Sat 15ú 6.15pm John and Annie Griffin, The Wood and deceased members of the Griffin and Adams Families.

Sun 16ú 11.30am Tom Fitzgerald, Dingle Heights, Ballinaboula.

Confessions: Friday after the 6.15pm Mass.

Rotas: Next Week: St Mary’s: Euch.

Mins: 6.15pm Blandina O’Connor, Máire Uí Chonchúir and Joan Rohan. 11:30am Anne Curran and Ann O’Connor. Readers:

6.15pm: Barbara Prendergast. 11.30am:

Breandán Fitzgerald. Cleaners Team 3.

Naomh Caitlín, Fionn Trá

Sat 8ú 7.30in Seán Ó Muircheartaigh, Rathanáin.

Naomh Eoin Baiste, Lios Póil

Sun. 16ú 10.00am Carmel and Bernie Galvin, Aglish and their daughter, Kathleen.

Rota: Next Week: Min Eoc: Máiréad Uí Ghairbhí. Léitheoir: Pádraig Ó Conchúir.

Offertory Collection: €2,212.00.

Diocesan Collection in aid of Family Services and Accord €1,027.00

Trócaire received to date: €7,079.

Míle buíochas.

Thought for the day: In our time, those who “persist” in religious faith can seem to outsiders “beside themselves.” The question needs to be asked: who is more sane, those who say life has a deep purpose and meaning and those who evidently content themselves with a “this world only” view. The apparently more rational view is ultimately irrational, in the literal sense that life has finally no reason, no ratio. By contrast, for the believer, behind the gift of creation stands a Giver. Within the gift of love, we come to know the Lover. As we gain and lose in life, finally nothing is ever truly lost. Faith is ultimately wholesome and utterly sane. Prayer: Father, help us to see your goodness at work around us. As we acknowledge the work of the Holy Spirit, may we be drawn to you, the giver of every gift.

Pope Francis on X: The Eucharistic bread speaks to us of a God who is not distant, but close and in solidarity with humanity; a God who does not abandon us but always seeks, waits for, and accompanies us, even to the point of placing himself, helpless, into our hands.

Gluten Free hosts are available from the priest at communion time.

Priest on duty this Sunday:

Fr Eoghan Ó Cadhla 087-6951318.

Paidir do Scoláirí:

God stay close to our students today

Guide their study and light their way.

Ease their nerves and comfort be,

With peace and love so tenderly.

May they remember the things they need,

And understand all that they study and read.

May they strive to give their best,

And do themselves justice in each test.

May the topics they know and like appear,

on the exam paper to lessen their fear.

And during the moments when they feel stressed, help them to remember the ways they are blessed. Amen

€€Online giving€€. You can now make a donation to the Parish online by clicking on the Donate button on our Parish website.

Donate terminals, located at the back of St Mary’s Church, are programmed to donate €5 to the Parish each time they are used.

Pope’s Intention for June: For Migrants fleeing their homes. We pray that migrants fleeing from war or hunger, forced to undertake journeys full of danger and violence, find welcome and new opportunities in the countries that receive them.

Diocesan Youth Pilgrimage to Taizé, France fromJune 23rd to June 30th,2024. Please contact Tomás Kenny for more information on 086 3683778 or email Tomás at tomaskenny@dioceseofkerry.ie

The second Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Saturday 24th August 2024. A bus is being organised from the Corca Dhuibhne Pastoral Area, (numbers dependent). If you are interested in travelling, contact Cathy on 086-0520915. The bus will depart Dingle at approx. 6.30am. Cost will depend on numbers travelling. Our Lady of Knock, pray for us.

Parish Office at the Presbytery, Dingle. Office Hours: Tuesday: 9.30am-12.30pm.

Wednesday: 9.30am-12.30pm.

Thursday: 9.30am-12.30pm.

Parish Office: Tel.:066 9151208.

A range of new religious books are available in the bookstand of St Mary’s Church.

Scoil an Ghleanna: Cuireadh don bPobal Áitiúil, Iarscoláirí, Iarthuismitheoirí agus Iar-bhaill an Bhoird chuig oscailt oifigiúil

Montessori Scoil na nÓg agus Clós Súgartha Mary Uí Chinnéide ar an Aoine 14ú Meitheamh at 10.00r.n. Beidh an tAire Oideachais Norma Foley agus Brendan Griffin T.D. i láthair. Fáilte roimh chách.

Pilgrimage to Medjugorje from Cork will take place, September 11th, 2024 for 7 nights. From €879pp. Contact Maura on 087-1517696 or 066-7127143.

Geological Survey: A low flying aircraft will be active across counties Kerry, north-west Cork and neighbouring Limerick as part of the Tellus Survey in the coming weeks. The noise of the plane could startle sensitive livestock. If you have any concerns visit www.tellus.ie or call Tellus Freephone Information line on 1800 45 55 65.

Mí an Mheithimh – Mí an Chroí Rónaofa

Gile mo chroí do chroíse ‘Shlánaitheoir,

Is ciste mo chroí do chroíse d’fháil im chomhair, Ós follas gur líon do chroí dom’ ghrása ‘stór, i gcochall mo chroí do chroíse fág i gcomhad. (Tadhg Gaelach Ó Súilleabháin)

Prayer of Blessed Henry Newman:

O Lord, support us all day long,

until the shadows lengthen,

and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done. Then in your mercy, grant us a safe lodging and a holy rest, and peace at last. Amen.

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