Fógraí / Newsletter 12th August 2012

An Naoú Domhnach Déag Saor 12/8/2012
Pray for Maurice (Mossie) O’Connor, Dublin and late of John St.; Colm Johnson, Bandon; Mary McDonnell, Kilgarvan. Solas síoraí dá h-anamacha.
Priest on Call for the Corca Dhuibhne Pastoral Area is: Fr. John Buckley: 066-9157103.
Sat/Sath. 11ú 8.00pm Mary and Timothy Devane, Killelane, CB.
Sun/Domh 12ú 11.30am Deceased members of the Dingle Race Committee.
Mon/Luan 13ú No Mass.
Tue/Máirt 14ú 10.00am Mary O’Sullivan Cleary, R.I.P. New York and late of the Waterside and her brother Michael F. O’Sullivan, Woodville, CB.
8.00pm Joan and John McCarthy, Annascaul, CB.
Wed/Cead 15ú 11.30am M.P.P.
Thur/Déard 16ú 10.00am Thomas Murphy, John St., CB.
Fri/Aoine 17ú 7.30pm Tom Brick, Cahernaphuca, CB.
Sat/Sath 18ú 8.00pm Breda Hand, Kinard, CB.
Sun/Domh 19ú 11.30am Fómhair na Feirme.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Dingle Hospital Oratory: Monday 10.30am – 11.30am.
St Mary’s: Tues 10.30am – 10pm.and Wed after 11.30am Mass until 10pm.
Thursday 10.30 – 11.30am. “Come and See” says the Lord.
Confessions: Sat. 10.30am – 11.00am & after Vigil Masses.

Sun/Domh.12ú 10.00am Tom Greaney, Baile na Saor, MM.
Wed/Cead 15ú 10.00am Joan & Eugene Griffin, Coumlanders, CB
Sun/Domh.19ú 10.00am Daniel O’Sullivan, Lisdorgan and New Zealand and David Reid, Dublin, CB.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Déardaoin / Thursday 11 am – 12 noon
Satharn 11ú 6:15i.n.
Dé Máirt 14ú 6.15i.n. Jack O’Connor, Maum na Gaoithe, CB.
Satharn 18ú 6:15i.n. Mícheál Ó Lúing, Cill na gColmán, CB.
Adhradh na Naomh Shacraiminte
Déardaoin / Thursday 11 am – 12 noon
Offertory Collection
Weekly Envelopes: €1,084; Cash: €1,959;
Total: €3,043. Míle buíochas.
Diocesan Collection for Pastoral and Retreat Centres will be taken up next weekend August 18/19th as a second collection after Communion.
Parish Envelopes: You can use your envelopes in the other Churches of the Deanery and they will be passed on to their correct Parish.
Kerry Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, 2nd – 7th September led by Bishop Bill Murphy. Info.: Janice at 064 7758219 or email: joskpd@eircom.net
Dingle Parish Liturgy Group meeting on Wednesday next August 15th at 8.00pm.
An Deireadh Seachtaine seo chugainn:
(14ú/15ú agus 18ú/19ú Lúnasa)
DINGLE: Euch. Ministers’ Team 1; Collectors’ Team 1; Church Cleaners’ Team 1. Readers: August 15th: Vigil: Marion O’Sullivan. 11.30a.m.: Margaret Graham.
Aug 19th: Vigil: Pat O’Connor. 11.30a.m.: Paddy Browne;
LIOS PÓIL: Ministéirí Eoc.: August 15th: Rose O’Sullivan and Donnacha Ó Súilleabháin.
August 19th: Marie Uí Ghrifín agus Eric Mitchell. Léitheoir: Lúnasa 15ú: Marie Uí Ghrifín. Lúnasa 19ú: Donnacha Ó Súilleabháin.
FIONN TRÁ: Lúnasa 15ú: Ministéir Eoc.: Breandán Ó Ciobháin. Léitheoir: Breandán Ó Ciobháin. Lúnasa 19ú: Ministéir Eoc.: Brenda Ní Shúilleabháin.
Léitheoir: Brenda Ní Shúilleabháin.
Corca Dhuibhne Duty Róta
Weekday Duty Róta will obtain as follows for emergency cover only: –
Monday – Fr. John Buckley P.P.
Tuesday – Fr. Michael Hussey P.P.
Wednesday – An tAthair Tomás Ó Luanaigh S. P.
Thursday – An tAthair Eoghan Ó Cadhla S. P.

Contact no. for Emergency Calls 087-7087600.
Tréad Limistéar Corca Dhuibhne
Saturday/ Dé Sathairn
6.15pm Fionn Trá
6.45pm An Clochán
7.00pm Annascaul
7.30pm Dún Chaoin
8.00pm (all year) Dingle
Sunday/ Dé Domhnaigh
10.00am Lios Póil
10.00am Baile an Fheirtéaraigh
10.30am Castlegregory
10.45am Inch
11.15am Carraig
11.30am Dingle
12 noon Camp
Recovery Haven, Cancer Support House: Dhu Varren Garden, Killarney Rd, Milltown, Charity Open Day, Sunday 12th August 12pm – 6pm. Entrance Fee €6. Children free.
Coiste na nÓg, C.L.G. Daingean Uí Chúis, will hold its monthly meeting on this Monday 13th August at 6.30pm in the Club House, Páirc an Ághasaigh. All Welcome.
Dingle Historical Society: Ireland and World War 2; Friday 17th at 7.30pm ‘The Emergency in Ireland, 1939-45’ lecture by Prof. Diarmaid Ferriter. Saturday 18th ‘The Internal Debate: the Emergency, Fianna Fáil and Irish Unity, 1939-1945’ by Dr. Stephen Kelly at 10.30am. ‘The Emergency, Neutrality and Ireland’s Second World War Reconsidered’ by Dr Michael Kennedy, at 12.00 pm. ‘An Ambivalent Neutrality: Ireland 1939-1945’ by Professor Tom Garvin, at 3.00 pm. All lectures take place in Halla Bunscoil an Chlochair. Fáilte roimh cách.
Pattern / Open Air Cemetery Masses 2012
8.00p.m. Dé Máirt 21ú Lúnasa – Ráithín a’ Thuaidh.
7.30p.m. Dé Céadaoin 29ú Lúnasa – Patrún na Mináirde, Tobar Eoin Baiste.
11.00a.m. Dé Sath 29ú Meán Fómh. – Tobar Mhichíl.
10.00a.m. Dé Domh. 25ú Samhain – Lá Chaitlíona.
Please notify former Parishioners now resident outside our Parish who may wish to participate.
Abiding Challenge of Eucharistic Congress
Continued from last week:
When we pray the Our Father we pray “Give us this day our daily bread” – What does that mean? It is interesting to note that the original word, which we translate as ‘daily’ was in fact a completely new word. It had never been used before. The original word was epiousios, a Greek word meaning ‘substance from above’. What is this ‘substance from above’ which we are invited to eat? Is it simply Holy Communion or everything that Jesus said and stood for? After all He called himself the Word, invited us to listen to Him and invited us to eat His Body and drink His Blood – to take into ourselves His whole life.
Jesus above all saw Himself as a servant of the Kingdom of God. His opening words were:
“The time is fulfilled” – Now is the opportunity to look deeply into the true meaning of what it is to be a Eucharistic People.
“The Kingdom of God has come near” – The idea of kingdom carries with it a sense of power, pomp and the privilege of official authority – in the mind of Jesus it represents the direct opposite of all that – it is about empowering the vulnerable, giving true value to all, including women, who in his day were considered less than fully human, helping people to recognise their natural authority. No wonder the ‘powers that be’ both religious and political saw Jesus as a threat and conspired to remove him from the scene.
“Repent” – Change your way of seeing – walk a different road – see the world and others through the eyes of Jesus.
“Believe the Good News” – The good news is not a set of doctrines or teachings but a person. We are called into a radical relationship with the person of Jesus, the Christ, and with one another. It is He who give us our true identity – “I am because we are”.
Every Eucharist is a celebration of these realities and an invitation to allow them to come to birth in our lives in our communities. This is the challenge and the opportunity offered by the Eucharistic Congress. Pray that the opportunity is not let slip into simple pious devotion, important though that can be.
A riddle posed by Fr. Tom Hamill puts the possibilities rather well.
“What’s the priority of our contemporary Church? Love or Power?”
· We’re caught between The-Love-of-Power, & The-Power-of-Love!
· Obvious! Since The Church is divine, its priority must be Love!
· Its priority will be Power, until its Masculinity is mitigated by Inclusivity!
· When The Holy Spirit is embraced, is it She who will choose our priority!
(Fr. Ken O’Riordan: The Emissary 2011 – Manchester)
An tAthair Bernard: Aifreann Buíochais agus Slán
Our Parish Pastoral Council invites you all to Séipéal Naomh Muire on Saturday September 8th next for a Farewell to Fr. Bernard with Aifreann at 8.00pm followed by Oíche Cheiliúradh in Pobalscoil Corca Dhuibhne where a presentation will be made. Envelopes will be distributed to homes in the Parish over the next few weeks for those of you who wish to be associated with our Parish Farewell to Fr. Bernard as he takes up his new appointment in St. John’s, Tralee.
The Dingle Races
There is a little town in Kerry
And it is pretty far away
But the crowds are sure to be there
On Dingle Derby Day.

The Kerry folk are magic
They’re really on their own
The Derby’s run in Dingle
The National in Listowel.

Some people who go racing
You see them everywhere
There always in the Cotswolds
At Beechers and the Chair.

They’re sure to be in Kerry
Killarney and Tralee
And then they’re back in Dingle
Just after Ballabuidhe.

Now the Ponies going to Dingle
Are the fastest of them all
They come from every county
Cork to Donegal.

Now just to be in Dingle
On a nice fine Autumn day
With all the ponies racing
And the dolphin in the Bay.

There’s nowhere else I’d rather be
That’s all I have to say
So just goodbye to Dingle
Until another day.
(Original Composition of Jack Hegarty – Courtesy of his family in Cork.)
Examination Results
Best wishes to all those who will be receiving their Leaving Certificate examination results during the week. We pray that our young people will have the help and the guidance of the Holy Spirit as they choose their path for the future. May they always know the presence of God in their lives and respond generously to His call to use their gifts and talents wisely.
Tar, a Spioraid Naoimh.
Líon anama na bhfíréan
agus las tine do ghrá iontu.
Seol uait do Spiorad agus cruthófar iad
agus athnuachfaidh tú an domhan go léir.
Tusa a theagasc croíthe na bhfíréan
trí sholas an Spioraid Naoimh.
Deónaigh, trí dheontas an Spioraid chéanna
go mbeidh muid I gcónaí fíor-chríonna
agus go siorraí gliondrach I n-a shonas.
Trí Chríost Ár dTiarna. Amén.
“Let the Games Continue …….”
Rath Dé ar ghach éinne páirteach san 30ú Olympiad.
Féile an Ghairdín Chrann Clainne, Dé Sathairn 18ú Lúnasa, nuair a osclófar agus a bheannóidh A Ghrásta Ardeaspag Chaisil Diarmaid Ó Clúmháín DD.
11am: Banna Ceoil, Fife and Drum Band Scléip.
11.30: Aitheasc Fáiltithe. 12.00 Beannú.
12.30: Cór Duibhneach; Jugláil agus Draíocht.
Gentle Reminder to all attending St. Mary’s Church, you are welcome to park in the Presbytery Campus during Church Services so as to always avoid causing unnecessary obstruction near the main door of the Church.

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