Fógraí / Newsletter August 25th 2024

 Dingle Parish

Fr Michael Moynihan PP

Tel (066) 9151208/087-6551902

Aug 25th, 2024



Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Pray for: Geraldine Barrett, Greystones, Co. Wicklow; Marion O’Shea, née Lehane, Templenoe. Suaimhneas síorái dá


St Mary’s Church, Dingle.

Sat 24ú 6.15pm 1. Kevin Devane, Lisdorgan, MM. 2. Vivian and Bill O’Shea, Alpine House and John and Gertrude Sheehy. 3. Sheila Fitzgerald, Glens South and deceased members of the O’Shea and Fitzgerald Families. 4. Michael McKenna, The Wood and Tralee, and his parents, Pat and Mary McKenna, The Wood. 5. Tom, Kathleen, Mary Theresa and Cian Brick, Ceathrúin a’ Phúca. 6. Margaret O’Sullivan, Flemingstown.

Sun 25ú 11.30am Greta and Pádraig Ó Siochrú, Baile an Ghóilín and the deceased members of the Ó Siochrú and Conneely Families.

Monday 26ú 10.00am Sa Díseart.

Tues 27ú 10.00am Intinn Príobháideach.

Wed 28ú 10.00am Private Intention.

Thurs 29ú 10.00am Paróisteánaigh.

Fri 30ú 6.15pm Hannah and Patrick Leahy, Beenbawn and sons Michael and Thomas.

Sat 31ú 6.15pm 1. Leo Curran, Lynn, Massachussetts. 2. Mike O’Donoghue, Ballinaboula. 3. Thomas Enright, Carraig Island. 4. Kathleen Farrell, Dykegate Street.

Sun 1ú 11.30am Brian, Vincent, Ciarán and Kathleen Houlihan, Avondale.

Confessions: Friday after the 6.15pm Mass.

Rotas: Next Week: St Mary’s: Euch.

Mins: 6.15pm Maura Flahive, Cristín Uí Chonchúir and Micheál Ó Conchúir. 11:30am Ann Curran and Patricia Williams.  Readers: 6.15pm: Marian O’Sullivan. 11.30am: Maurice O’Connor. Cleaners Team 2.

Naomh Eoin Baiste, Lios Póil

Sun 25ú 10.00am John Moriarty, Lisdorgan.

Naomh Caitlín, Fionn Trá

Sat 31ú 7.30in Michael Field, Swords agus Baile an tSléibhe.

Rota: Next Week: Min Eoc: Pádraig Firtéar. Léitheoir: Áine Uí Chathasaigh.

Thought for the day: “Do you also wish to go away” has a very contemporary feel to it, as so many have indeed gone away. It does raise questions: Why am I still here? What still draws me? Our personal response very likely takes some form of “we have come to believe and we know.” We should not be afraid to name the experiences which ground our convictions and so make sense of our continued faithfulness. Prayer: Mysterious God, your Word to us in Christ reaches deeply into the human heart, drawing us towards you. May we never lose heart and continue on the great pilgrimage of the Gospel.

Pope Francis on X: Let us pray together for humanitarian workers, especially for those who have died or been injured while helping people affected by wars and disasters. Humanitarians show that we can be “fratelli tutti” by taking care of others.

Pope’s Intentions for August: For Political Leaders. We pray that political leaders be at the service of their own people, working for integral human development and for the common good, especially caring for the poor and those who have lost their jobs.

Naoi gCéad Míle Fáilte to all who are visiting the area or at home on holidays at this time. We hope you enjoy your break!

Priest on duty this Sunday:

Fr Eamon Mulvihill 066-7139145.

Congratulations to Seán Murphy, Glencar who was ordained for the diocese of Kerry, by Bishop Ray Browne, on Sunday last in Glenbeigh. Fr Seán has been appointed as curate in the pastoral area of Kenmare.

Songs of Praise with Michael Fitzgerald and others will take place in St Mary’s Church, next Monday, August 26th, between 6.00 – 7.00pm.  Fáilte roimh chách.

Sick and Retired Priests’ Collection received to date: €2,974.00.

Offertory Collection:  €2,413.00.

Míle buíochas.

Be part of the St Bernadette Relic Pilgrimage in Ireland

In 1858, Our Blessed Lady appeared 18 times to a young girl, Bernadette Soubirous in Lourdes. Bernadette died in 1879 and was later canonized in 1933. Her relics will journey on pilgrimage to Ireland for the first time, from September 4th to November 5th, taking in every diocese in the country.

In Kerry, Our Lady & St Brendan’s Church, Tralee will be where the relics can be venerated on Friday September 13th and Saturday September 14th. More details later.

Prayer to Discover Your Vocation

God our Father, send workers into your harvest. May the Spirit we received in baptism touch the hearts of many to offer themselves in priesthood, religious life and other forms of service. Give the parents and families of our diocese the wisdom and courage to support young people in searching for and following the call of God in their lives, Amen.

We pray for all those students and pupils who will be embarking on new college or schools in the coming weeks. May they always be aware of God’s presence in their lives.

Parish Office at the Presbytery, Dingle. Office Hours: Tuesday: 9.30am-12.30pm.

Wednesday: 9.30am-12.30pm.

Thursday: 9.30am-12.30pm.

Parish Office: Tel.:066 9151208.

A range of new religious books are available in the bookstand of St Mary’s Church.

Saint John the Baptist has two feasts to himself. One, August 29th, celebrates his death, and one, June 24th, celebrates his birth. And this is as it should be, for as Christ himself said, John was the greatest of the sons of men.

    The greatest, but also the most tragic. A prophet from before his birth, leaping in the womb to announce the coming of the incarnate God, his task was to proclaim the fulfilment of all prophecies – and thus his own obsolescence. And he did it: with unequalled courage he spread the news that he, the greatest of all men, was the least in the kingdom of heaven. His disciples, and the devil, would have preferred him to fight, to build his sect, to defeat this upstart whom he himself had baptized, to seize his place in history. But he did not – and so, rightly, he has his place, and he has glory in heaven.

    We envy the great and the talented, and sometimes we think that they themselves are beyond envy. But when they come across someone with greater gifts, as one day most of them will, they will see for the first time what it means to feel like us. Let us pray that they, like John the Baptist, may pass that test. Minard Pattern takes place on Thursday August 29th.

Donate terminals, located at the back of St Mary’s Church, are programmed to donate €5 to the Parish each time they are used.

€€Online giving€€. You can now make a donation to the Parish online by clicking on the Donate button on our Parish website.


Gluten Free hosts are available from the priest at communion time.

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