Dingle Parish
Fr Michael Moynihan PP
Tel (066) 9151208/087-6551902
February 16th, 2025
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Pray for: Kathleen Payne, (née Brosnan) Chicago and late of Cooleen. Moira Courtney, Raheny, and late of Ventry. Suaimhneas síoraí dá n-anamacha.
St Mary’s Church, Dingle.
6.15pm 1. Mary Hanafin, Ballinasteenig.
- Dr. Finbarr O’Shea, Upper Main Street.
- Pádraig Martin, Rinn Chonaill, 1ú CB.
- John Joe Sheehy, Green Street. 5. Seán Moran, Baile an tSagairt, deceased members of the Moran and Ó Catháin Families.
Sun 16ú 11.30am Michael and Joan Griffin, Foherough and deceased members of the Griffin Family, Doonties.
Mon 17ú 10.00am Sa Díseart.
Tues 18ú 10.00am Timothy O’Sullivan, John Street.
Wed 19ú 10.00am Sheila and Patrick Keating.
Thurs 20ú 10.00am Paróisteánaigh.
Fri 21ú 6.15pm Patrick Kennedy, Baile Móir, CM.
Sat 22ú 6.15pm 1. David Lovett, Cooleen, MM. 2. Albinas Stankevicius, Lithuania, MM. 3. Joe O’Boyle, Cluais. 4. Nelly, Tommy and Jack Evans, Minard East. - Aodhán O’Connor, Cliddaun.
Sun 23ú 11.30am Mary Theresa and Maura Garvey, Ballinasig.
Confessions: Friday after the 6.15pm Mass.
Rotas: Next Weekend: Euch Mins: 6.15pm: Theresa Ashe, Blandina O’Connor, Ann Moriarty O’Connor. 11:30am Anne Begley and Kitty O’Flaherty. Readers: 6.15pm: Gobnait Uí Chonchúir. 11.30am: Anne Lundon Cleaners Team 3.
Naomh Caitlín, Fionn Trá
Sat 15ú 7.30in Mai agus Tomás Ó Murchú, Cathair a’ Treantaigh agus Bríd agus Séamus Feirtéar, Com Dhineoil.
Naomh Eoin Baiste, Lios Póil
Domh 23ú 10.00am Johnny and Eileen Moriarty, Baile na Saor and their son Johnny recently deceased and members of the Moriarty Family.
Rota: Min Eoc: Marie Uí Ghrifín. Léitheoir: Pádraig Ó Conchúir.
Thought for the day: We all know from experience that happiness can be confused with all sorts of things, enjoyment, getting my own way, pleasure etc. We also all know, in our heart of hearts, that true happiness is not something that I have for myself but something that I am with others. Rather than something I possess, it is something that I am, with my values and vision. The paradox of human life is that we attain happiness not by aiming at it for ourselves but only making other people the focus of our lives and loves. In the words of St Paul: Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law. (Rom 13:8) Prayer: God of our happiness, give us the wisdom that you alone can give so that we also may be wise and come to life in abundance, according to your will.
(Fr Kieran O’Mahony OSA)
Pope Francis on ‘X’: In moments of illness, we feel our frailty, but we also experience the closeness and compassion of God, who has shared our sufferings in Jesus. He never abandons us.
Vocations Afternoon at the Poor Clare Monastery, College Road, Cork, for young women considering the contemplative religious life, Saturday, February 22nd, 2.00- 4.00pm. For further information, email: vocationspoorclarescork@gmail.com.
Offertory Collection: €1,838.00.
Dioc Coll: Lourdes Helpers: €1,033.00
Priest on duty this Sunday:
Fr Eoghan Ó Cadhla 087-6951318.
West Kerry Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Parishes of Dingle and Baile an Fheirtéaraigh are organising a Pilgrimage to Lourdes. Spiritual director Fr Michael Moynihan PP, Dingle. If interested, please let us know before February 28th.
2025, A Jubilee Year in the Church
Pope Francis has chosen the Jubilee theme “Pilgrims of Hope”. We are asked to treat the year ahead as a year-long pilgrimage to become more aware that truly Jesus Christ Our Saviour is with us each day, – as our help, strength and guide. When we speak of ‘Hope’ we mean ‘Hope in Jesus Christ’, Hope in our God, Father, Son and Spirit.
A Jubilee Pilgrimage to Rome led by Bishop Ray will take place from 19th to 23rd May 2025. For more details, please ring Nora – 087 9318976.
The Pro-Life Campaign are hosting an online free information event ‘Ireland, Abortion and Advocating for Life in 2025’, March 3rd, 7.30pm-8.30pm. Register at prolifecampaign.ie/events.
Accord Catholic Marriage Care Service is recruiting volunteers to train as marriage preparation programme facilitators. If you are supportive of marriage in the Catholic Church and have the enthusiasm to be part of the Accord team that supports couples preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage, then contact Aisling on 01 505 3112 or marriagepreparation@accord.ie
The aim of the Go For Life Games is to involve older adults in recreational sports and physical activity and will take place in Halla Cheann Trá, every Thursday until March 20th, between 2.00-3.00pm. The games are run with support from the local sports partnerships and the HSE. Booking essential as places are limited. Gach eolas agus clárú 087-6272761.
Parish Office at the Presbytery, Dingle. Office Hours: Tuesday: 9.30am-12.30pm.
Wednesday: 9.30am-12.30pm.
Thursday: 9.30am-12.30pm.
Parish Office: Tel.:066 9151208.
A range of new religious books are on the bookstand of St Mary’s Church.
Pope’s Intention for February: For Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. Let us pray that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ’s mission in the priesthood and religious life.
Breakthrough Cancer Research will be walking the Camino de Santiago’s ‘Portuguese Way’ from the 13th – 20th of June 2025. Breis eolais: 021 4226655 or edel@breakcancer.ie
A Jubilee Pilgrimage to Rome led by Bishop Ray will take place from 19th to 23rd May 2025. For more details, please ring Nora: 087 9318976.
Pilgrimage to Pietrelcina, San Giovanni Rotondo Assisi. The pilgrimage will depart from Cork Airport going to Assisi and San Giovanni, June 19th to 26th 2025. Further information from Ann Fehan 087-2738103 or Tigh na Sagart, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh on 066-9156131.
Beidh Biongó i bPobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne ar a 7.00in ar an nDomhnach, an 23ú Feabhra. Fáilte roimh chách.
Dingle Business Chamber are holding an open meeting next Monday, February 17th at 7.30pm in Benner’s Hotel. All welcome.
Prayer of Blessed Henry Newman
O Lord, support us all day long,
until the shadows lengthen, and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed,
and the fever of life is over,
and our work is done. Then in your mercy,
grant us a safe lodging and a holy rest,
and peace at last. Amen.