Fógraí / Newsletter February 9th 2025

 Dingle Parish

Fr Michael Moynihan PP

Tel (066) 9151208/087-6551902

February 9th, 2025



Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Pray for: David Lovett, Cooleen. Suaimhneas síoraí dá anam.

St Mary’s Church, Dingle.

Sat 8ú 6.15pm 1. James and Bridie O’Shea, Glens. 2. Peggy and Patrick O’Connor, Cnoc na hAbha. 3. Leo O’Sullivan, The Mall and Cnoc na hAbha. 4. Joan Devane, Ballyeightra. 5. Michael O’Shea, Spa Road and deceased members of the O’Shea and McCarthy Families.

Sun 9ú 11.30am Nora and Patrick Wallace, Baile Móir.

Mon 10ú 10.00am Sa Díseart.

Tues 11ú 10.00am Intinn Príobháideach.

Wed 12ú 10.00am Special Intention.

Thurs 13ú 10.00am Paróisteánaigh.

Fri 14ú 6.15pm Private Intention.

Sat 15ú 12.00noon Mass and anointing of the sick.

6.15pm 1. Mary Hanafin, Ballinasteenig.

2. Dr. Finbarr O’Shea, Upper Main Street.

3. Pádraig Martin, Rinn Chonaill, 1ú CB.

4. John Joe Sheehy, Green Street. 5. Seán Moran, Baile an tSagairt, deceased members of the Moran and Ó Catháin Families.

Sun 16ú 11.30am Michael and Joan Griffin, Foherough and deceased members of the Griffin Family, Doonties.

Confessions: Friday after the 6.15pm Mass.

Rotas: Next Weekend: Euch Mins: 6.15pm: Máire Uí Chonchúir, Marian O’Sullivan and Marie Moriarty. 11:30am Bridget Prendiville & Máire Uí Ghealbháin. Readers: 6.15pm: Marie Uí Ghrifín. 11.30am: Muintir Uí Ghrifín. Cleaners T2.

Offertory Collection: €1,694.00.

Naomh Eoin Baiste, Lios Póil

Domh 9ú 10.00am Private Intention.

Naomh Caitlín, Fionn Trá

Sat 15ú 7.30in Mai agus Tomás Ó Murchú, Cathair a’ Treantaigh agus Bríd agus Séamus Feirtéar, Com Dhineoil.

Rota: Min Eoc: Máirín Uí Shé Léitheoir: Pádraig Firtéar

Diocesan Collection for Lourdes Helpers will be taken up as a second collection after communion this weekend February 8th / 9th. The main purpose is to take the sick to Lourdes and for this we need helpers. Many are students and thus require help to finance the trip. It also helps assisted pilgrims who may not be able to afford to pay the full fare and would like to go to Lourdes.

Thought for the day: We tend to think of the first disciples as somehow “clergy” with a call special to them. But that is not adequate. Jesus is first of all calling disciples, that is ordinary people, including ourselves. Discipleship includes experience, learning and risk. What experiences have brought me this far? What have I learned and am I still learning? How about the call to “put out into the deep”? Is the Lord asking of me a deeper following, both costly and lifegiving? How am I responding? Is there something in me hesitating and holding back? Do I need to hear again the words, “Do not be afraid”? Prayer: God of surprises, help us to take the risk of following Jesus on a path of discipleship costing “not less than everything.” Help us to let go, thatwe may live the Gospel fully and richly. (Fr Kieran O’Mahony OSA)

Vocations Afternoon at the Poor Clare Monastery, College Road, Cork, for young women considering the contemplative religious life, Saturday, February 22nd, 2.00- 4.00pm. For further information, email: vocationspoorclarescork@gmail.com.

Stampaí Úsáidte: Boxes available at the back of the churches.

Priest on duty this Sunday:

Fr Eamonn Mulvihill 066-7139145.

West Kerry Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Parishes of Dingle and Baile an Fheirtéaraigh are organising a Pilgrimage to Lourdes. Spiritual director Fr Michael Moynihan PP, Dingle. If interested, please let us know before February 28th.

2025, A Jubilee Year in the Church

Pope Francis has chosen the Jubilee theme “Pilgrims of Hope”. We are asked to treat the year ahead as a year-long pilgrimage to become more aware that truly Jesus Christ Our Saviour is with us each day, – as our help, strength and guide. When we speak of ‘Hope’ we mean ‘Hope in Jesus Christ’, Hope in our God, Father, Son and Spirit.

Céad Fhaoistin will take place as follows:

Scoil Eoin Baiste 11ú Feabhra ag 1.00i.n. i Séipéal Naomh Eoin Baiste.

Bunscoil an Chlochair, Scoil Iognáid Rís, Scoil an Ghleanna agus Scoil Ceann Trá 13ú Feabhra ag 1.00i.n. i Séipéal Naomh Mhuire.

An Chéad Chomaoineach will take place as follows: Dé Domhnaigh, 4ú Bealtaine do Bhunscoil an Chlochair, Scoil Iognáid Rís, Scoil Cheann Trá agus Scoil an Ghleanna i Séipéal Naomh Muire ag 11.30rn.

Dé Domhnaigh, 18ú Bealtaine do Bunscoil Eoin Baiste i Séipéal Naomh Eoin Baiste ag 11.00am.

Accord Catholic Marriage Care Service is recruiting volunteers to train as marriage preparation programme facilitators. If you are supportive of marriage in the Catholic Church and have the enthusiasm to be part of the Accord team that supports couples preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage, then contact Aisling on 01 505 3112 or marriagepreparation@accord.ie

Table Quiz in aid of Kenyan Cara Project will take place in McCarthy’s bar, Main St on Thursday February 13th at 8.30pm.

Parish Office at the Presbytery, Dingle. Office Hours: Tuesday: 9.30am-12.30pm.

Wednesday: 9.30am-12.30pm.

Thursday: 9.30am-12.30pm.

Parish Office: Tel.:066 9151208.

A range of new religious books are on the bookstand of St Mary’s Church.

Saturday February 15thMass at 12noon, including anointing of the Sick.

Gluten Free hosts are available from the Priest at Communion time.

Pope Francis on X:  Children who are denied their childhood are a silent cry denouncing the inequality of our economic system, the criminality of war, and the lack of medical care and education. These injustices weigh most heavily on all little ones and on the weakest.

Pope’s Intention for February: For Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. Let us pray that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ’s mission in the priesthood and religious life.

Breakthrough Cancer Research will be walking the Camino de Santiago’s ‘Portuguese Way’ from the 13th – 20th of June2025.  Breis eolais: 021 4226655 or edel@breakcancer.ie

31 Card Drive in aid of Féile na Bealtaine. Tables of 8 on Sunday, February 9th at 6pm in the Dingle Pub.

Lord, inspire me to read your Scriptures
and to meditate upon them day and night.
I beg you to give me real understanding of what I read, that I in turn may put its precepts into practice. Yet, I know that understanding and good intentions are worthless, unless rooted in your graceful love. So I ask that the words of Scripture may also be not just signs on a page but channels of grace into my heart. Amen

(Christian Theologian – Origen)

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