Newsletter / Fógraí June 2nd 2013

Bliain an Chreidimh
Sollúntas Chorp Chríost – 2ú Meitheamh 2013
Pray for Maureen O’Flaherty, Station Row; Kathleen Kennedy, Baile na bPuc, Baile na nGall; Fr. Ned Corridon, Duagh; Sr. Patrick Moore, Worthing, England and late of Brandon; Hannah Curran, London and late of Annascaul; Seamus Ashe, London. Solas síoraí dá n-anamacha.
Priest on Call for the Corca Dhuibhne Pastoral Area is: Fr. Michael Hussey – 066-7139145.
Sat/Sath 1ú 8.00pm John Joe Murphy, Green Street, CB.
Sun 2ú 11.30am Missa Pro Populo – Corpus Christi.
Máirt 4ú 10.00am Special Intention.
Wed 5ú 7.30pm Mike Andy O’Shea, Cillirith, CB.
Déard 6ú 10.00am Private Intention.
Fri 7ú 10.00am Seán & Kathleen O’Connor, Milltown, CB.
7.30pm Canon James Ashe, Main St., 1ú CB.
Sat/Sath 8ú 8.00pm Michéal Kennedy, Baile na bPuc, CB.
Domh 9ú 11.30am Missa Pro Populo.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Dingle Hospital Oratory: Monday 10.30am – 11.30am.
St Mary’s: Tues and Wed 10.30am – 10pm.
Thurs 10.30 – 11.30am except when it is a First Friday,
it will be on that Friday. “Come and See” says the Lord.
Confessions: Sat. 10.30am – 11.00am & after Vigil Masses.
Domh/Sun 2ú 10.00am Thomas Hanifan, Ballinasteenig, CB.
Domh/Sun 9ú 10.00am Gerard and Joan Clifford, Ballinasare, CB
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Déardaoin / Thursday 11 am – 12 noon
Satharn 1ú 6.15i.n. Máirtín agus Tess Mac an tSaor, Ceann Trá, CB.
Satharn 8ú 6.15i.n.
Adhradh na Naomh Shacraiminte
Déardaoin / Thursday 11 r.n. – 12i.n.
An Deireadh Seachtaine seo chugainn:
(8ú/9ú Meitheamh 2013)
DINGLE: Euch. Ministers’ Team 3: Vigil Joan Uí Mhoráin, Betty Hand, Marie Moriarty, Bernie Bowler, Gobnait Uí Chonchúir, Mary Diony O’Connor. 11:30am Kitty O’Flaherty and Clár Uí Loingsigh. Collectors’ Team 3; Church Cleaners’ Team 3. Readers: Vigil: Tadhg Ó Coileáin. 11.30a.m.: Margaret Graham.
LIOS PÓIL: Ministéirí Eoc.: Máire Uí Ghrifín agus Eric Mitchell. Léitheoir: Scoláirí Samhraidh.
FIONN TRÁ: Ministéir Eoc.: Máirín Uí Shé.
Léitheoir: Scoláirí Samhraidh.
Offertory Collection
Weekly Env.: €946; Cash: €1,057; Total: €2,003.
Diocesan Collection for Accord will be taken up next weekend, June 8th/9th as a second collection after Communion. It will provides assistance to the Tralee and Killarney Accord centres which serve the entire Diocese. They offer courses for couples preparing for Marriage and also a Counselling service. Funds are needed for initial training of Counsellors and Pre-Marriage Facilitators, for on-going Professional Development and for the staffing and running of the Centres.
Parish Pastoral Council meeting next Thursday June 6th at 8:30pm in the Presbytery.
Trócaire Boxes and Easter Dues Envelopes
Please return your Trócaire Boxes as soon as possible. Buíochas ó chroí for your great generosity.
Amount rec’d to date: €5,087.
Vigil for Life – on Saturday June 8th, Merrion Sq, Dublin 3pm to 4pm. The Government intends to legalise abortion in July and a large attendance in Merrion Square is essential to oppose this sending a clear, positive message about safeguarding the lives of mothers and babies in pregnancy. For bus 087-2668702. See poster in Church porch.
Dramatisation of Mark’s Gospel – Wed. & Thurs. 8.00pm in The Convent Hall, Lixnaw, performed by Mike O’Mahony. Book: 087-9467755 /087-1604628. Tickets €10.
Meala Bereavement Awareness Conference: Sat 15th June in Tralee (Solas Bld, I.T.). Reg. 9.30 – 10am. Conf. 10am – 4pm. (a light lunch) Fee €10 for waged €5 for unwaged. Info: email: / 068-24012.
Dingle Women’s Mini Marathon wishes to thank all participants and sponsor’s. We are please to report a profit of €11,074.30 from the event which is to be divided equally between National Breast Cancer Research Institute and Pobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne playing pitch/running track development fund.
Course in Pastoral Ministry 2013-2014
The Diocese has decided to run the Pastoral Ministry Course again, beginning on September 30th. It will be held over 20 nights, 10 during Autumn 2013 and Spring 2014. If you are interested, please contact the Parish office on 066-9151208 for details or check the Diocesan website.
First Friday Calls
Fr. Tomás will visit the housebound sick in Fionn Trá and Lios Póil on Friday of next week while Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist will visit the housebound sick in Dingle. Please contact the Parish office on 066-9151208 if you would like to be included.
Déanaigí É Seo i gCuimhne 2012 – 2013
Comhghairdeas lena 3 cailíní ó Scoil Cheann Trá a fuair an Chéad Chomaoine ar an Domhnach seo chaite i Séipéal Naomh Caitlín.
Paidreacha roimh na Scrúduithe
1. Le lán-mhuinín ionatsa, a Dhia, iarraimid ort misneach, dóchas agus féin-mhuinín a chothú ionainn, ionas go mbeidh ar ár gcumas ár ndícheall a dhéanamh.
2. A Spioraid Naoimh, a chara dhílis, tar chugainn agus fan linn. Tabhair chun cuimhne dúinn anois gach a bhfuil foghlamtha againn agus bronn orainn eagna, tuiscint agus eolas.
3. Cuir do bheannacht, a Dhia, ar ár dtuismitheoirí, ár múinteoirí, agus ar na daoine go léir a d’ullmhaigh sinn le haghaidh na hócáide seo. A Thiarna, éist linn.
Ocean Spring Choir
We welcome the Ocean Spring Chorale, from the Mississippi Gulf Coast, USA to our Parish this weekend where they will sing at 10am Mass in Lios Póil on Sunday and also take part in our Corpus Christi Procession in Dingle.
Lios Póil Holy Hour
The Eucharistic Adoration Group will hold a Holy Hour in Séipéal Naomh Eoin Baiste, Lios Póil this Sun 4pm – 5pm in response to our Holy Father Pope Francis’ special appeal to spend this hour in adoration and prayers as part of The Year of Faith.
“Watch and Pray”
Bliain an Chreidimh – Our Patron Saints
Laochra an Chreidimh No.44.
Naomh Muire – Ba í Máire Muire Máthair Íosa. Saolaíodh i Iarusaelim í agus d’arthraigh saol nuair a tháinig an Aingeal Gabriel chun a rá léi go mbeadh leanbh aici darbh ainm Íosa agus gur é mac Dé a bheadh ann. Phós sí Iosaf agus tháinig Íosa ar an saol i mBethlehem. Thug Muire aire an mhaith do Íosa agus bhí sí ana mhór le hÍosa. Is í Muire a dúirt le Íosa an chéad míorúilt a dhéanamh ag pósadh Chána. Ghlac Muire le toil Dhia i gcónaí. Dhéan sí an rud a theastaigh ó Dhia í a dhéanamh. Bhí grá aici do Íosa agus grá aici do Dhia. Mar sin ceapaim gur sampla maith í Muire dúinn ar fad agus ba mhaith liom an ainm sin a thógáil don Chóineartú. Is í Muire ár máthair leis chomh maith le máthair Íosa. Ba mhaith liomsa bheith go maith do dhaoine eile cosúil le Muire. Bhí Muire láimh le hÍosa agus é á chéasadh ar an gcros. Chabhraigh sí le hÍosa agus é i bpian. Ba mhaith liomsa cabhrú le daoine eile cosúil le Muire.
(Katie – Cheann Trá)
Baptisms: We welcome into the Catholic Church the following children who were baptised recently:
Ava Kathleen Fitzgerald, Baile an Fhaoitigh;
Michael Seán Walsh, Castlemartyr, Co. Cork;
Liam Seáinín Walsh, Kinard West, Lios Póil;
Lucy Alice Keane, Kilfarnoge, Fionn Trá;
Doireann Ní Dhubhda, Kinard, Lios Póil;
Layla Rose McGowan, The Grove, Dingle;
Sarah Kate O’Hanlon, Goulane East, Lios Póil;
Callum James Kennedy, Cluain Árd, Dingle;
Rachel Maria Griffin, Kilfountain, Dingle;
Mikey Tomás Podson, Leeds, UK;
Luke Thomas Evans, Baile an Fhaoitigh;
Katie Bríd Aherne, Ballyristeen, Dingle;
Emily Kate Long, Cluain Dara, Dingle;
Alfie Emmett Pearce, London;
Daniel Tadhg Doody, Rahanane, Fionn Trá;
Shane Daniel O’Connor, Ballinaboula, Dingle;
Robert Peter Sheehy, Glens, Dingle;
Louis Daniel Sheehy, Glens, Dingle;
Dara Anthony Devane, Ardamore, Lios Póil;
Jonathan Padraig O’Sullivan, Goulane East, Lios Póil.
Marriages: We congratulate the following who were married in our Parish recently:
Miriam Ahern, Ballinlough, Cork and
Killian O’Mahony, Douglas, Cork.
Carol Begley, Ballinasare, Annascaul and
Pádraig Nic Eoin, Baile na nGall.
Amanda O’Sullivan, Cluain an Fhiaidh, Lios Póil and
Shane O’Rourke, Kilcullen, Co. Kildare.
Eimear Henry, Aghagallon, Craigavon, Co. Armagh and
Eamonn Nicholl, Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, Scotland.
Sinead Smyth, Ryedale, Ballinclough, Co. Limerick and
Eoin Naughton, Fortfield, Raheen, Co. Limerick.
Karen Clarke, Milltown, Dingle and
Michael Foley, Mallow, Co. Cork.
Cathriona Timmons, Portlaoise, Co. Laois and
Garrett MacMahon. Glasnevin, Dublin 11.
Helen Lynch, Castleknock, Dublin 15 and
John O’Sullivan, Kilcock, Co. Kildare.
Pamela O’Leary, Kilbarry, Macroom, Co. Cork and
Billy Ahern, Curraheen Rd., Bishopstown, Cork.
Rita Biggins, Watford, England and
Darren Magwood, Watford, England.
Aisling Joyce, Ballyristeen, Dingle and
Noel Steede, Knocknager, Tuam, Co. Galway.

SUNDAY JUNE 2ND 2013 after 11.30a.m Mass
1. Cross Bearer and 2 Acolytes and 2 flag bearers;
2. First Communion Boys and Girls; An Chlochar, Scoil Ceann Trá, Scoil Eoin Baiste, Scoil Iognáid Rís, Scoil an Ghleanna agus Scoileanna eile ón Leithinis (all girls to bring basket of petals and all boys to have little flags/banners).
3. Brownies / Girl Guides.
4. Flag Bearers and banners.
5. People of The Community.
6. American Choir.
7. Altar Servers with Incense.
8. Canopy and Blessed Sacrament.
9. Bus with St. Mary’s Choir.
Procession Route – up Green Street, down Main St., as far as An Droichead Beag (Litany and Prayers), along the Mall (with Prayer at the Calvary and a hymn from our visiting Ocean Spring Chorale, Mississippi Gulf Coast, USA), via Bridge Street, Holy Ground and Grey’s Lane into the Dingle Town Park to conclude with Solemn Benediction.
All parishioners and businesses are warmly invited to decorate their homes and premises for Corpus Christi with shrines, statues, pictures, banners, bunting and flowers. As we decorate our town for other festive, sporting and cultural occasions please make our town a feast of Christian colour as we honour the Blessed Sacrament.
Tréithe Thomáis Ághas 1885-1917
“B’iontach an dea-shampla den Chríostaíocht a thug sé do gach aon duine,” a deir Liam Sabháiste ina thaobh, “é i gcónaí in am trátha i séipéal an Choláiste. Fear ba ea é a ghlacadh na sacraimintí go mion minic. Focal míbhlasta níor tháinig riamh as a bhéal.
Is cuimhin liom Féile Choirp Chríost a bheith ann nuair a tionóladh mórshiúl in onóir na Naomh-Shacraiminte. D’éirigh Tomás agus cúpla duine eile (bhí mé féin ina measc), ar a ceathair a chlog ar maidin chun lámh chúnta a thabhairt ag maisiú an bhóthair ba chóngaraí do thalamh an Choláiste. Lean seisean den obair go dtí am bricfeasta ar a hocht a chlog. Ba bheag leis dua ar bith dá leithéid.”
(An tAthair Seosamh Ó Muirthile C.Í.)
“Moladh go deo le Dia”
“Children Helping Children” Mission Appeal
Bishop Liam Ó Murchú and our Diocesan Mission Committee have decided to extend this appeal to all this year’s First Communicants. Children are encouraged to offer a donation towards the education and support of their peers in Africa just as our Confirmation candidates do every year. You are reminded that a donation of 20 cents can provide a good meal for 6 African children so we invite you to keep this act of charity and missionary outreach in mind.
We ask the Do This in Memory Parent Leaders to help collect and forward your cash gifts to the Kerry Diocesan Project Fund through our Dingle Parish Office.
Craobh na Mumhan
Gach rath ar pheileadóirí na Ríochta ar an Satharn i bPáirc an Ghearailtigh, Cill Áirne i gcluiche Leath-cheannais Craobh na Mumhan.
Beir Bua ‘s Beannacht.


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